We Remember 9/11

Let us use this day to remember. Remember those who lost their lives 13 years ago. Remember that human life is precious—and easily destroyed. Remember that freedom is never to be taken for granted.

9/11 Memorial
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Today marks the 13th anniversary of the tragedy that is now infamously known as 9/11. This is an important day for our nation and for The King’s College. It is a day to remember.

In the spirit of commemorating 9/11, I commend two things to you:

• 9/11 Memorial Wall: As you walked onto our campus at 56 Broadway this morning, you may have noticed a wall. Ed Miranda (Junior in PPE and President of Young Americans for Freedom) erected the wall last night to help our community remember 9/11. There are 2977 flags on the wall, one for each victim. Take a moment today to stop by the wall and remember those who lost their lives 13 years ago.

• Refuge (Tonight, 7:30 PM, City Room): We will have a special focus on 9/11, with stories from faculty and staff who experienced that fateful day up close. Join us.

Anxieties about terrorism are, understandably, heightened today. Memories of 9/11 reverberate in the minds of those of us who saw it unfold before our eyes, as does the lingering concern about the possibility of another attack on U.S. soil. With the rise of ISIS in the Middle East, these fears are intensified for many. You may have noticed increased coverage of terrorism in the media of late.

I have experienced a dozen anniversaries of 9/11 while living in New York City. I can assure of this: security is higher today than any other day during the year. Both the NYPD and Homeland Security are out in full force, making it difficult for would-be terrorists to wreak havoc. In addition, the College has a detailed crisis response strategy (in the event of a hurricane, terrorist attack, etc.), with an Emergency Operations Team in place to implement that plan. I am confident that there will be no need to execute that plan today, but know that we stand ready to do so if and when the need ever arises.

Let us use this day to remember. Remember those who lost their lives 13 years ago. Remember that human life is precious—and easily destroyed. Remember that freedom is never to be taken for granted.

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