Alumni Class Notes for January 2022
Remembering Dr. Allan Bleeker and celebrating lives of faithfulness.
Dr. Allan Bleeker passed away on November 18, 2021. Dr. Bleeker served as professor of Biology at the Briarcliff campus and his wife, Olga, served as the Biology Department secretary.
Dr. Bleeker taught at least fifteen courses under the general heading of “biology” for over three decades at King’s and at Rutgers University. He led memorable spring break trips, including an aquatic biology lab to the Florida Keys and the Pine Barrens in New Jersey. There are additional photos below.
Mary Ellen (Sproule) Rabine (’55) died Nov. 26, 2020.
Alumna Jean Parker Bisnett (’65) writes, “If it weren’t for the encouragement I received during my years at TKC! Coming from a non-Christian home, I received a firm foundation for my faith from the teachers, administration, and fellow students! I never wanted to leave but I did when I graduated from King’s in 1965. Praising the Lord for His goodness.”
Jensen adds, “I had a great experience and received a great education in the Physical Education program. I attended ’69-’71 after getting an Associates degree from Staten Island Community College. I met my wife of 49 years there (Cheryl Calenberg ’72). I made many lifetime friends there and great memories!
Glenn Jensen (’71) writes, “I am beginning my 51st year coaching basketball on the high school and college level. Previously I was head coach at TKC 1978-84.”
Gloria Evans (’06) writes, “I earned an accelerated BA in Biblical Studies in 2015 with the help of credits earned at The King’s College. I use that knowledge and a few books I saved from my studies there as a teacher in my State Convention’s Congress of Christian Education.”
Evans adds, “My memories of the students and professors when I attended there have been shared many times with family and acquaintances. For example: One student asked me why I was in school at this time of my life. I understood it was, perhaps, due to my graying hair. My response was: If not now, when? I am glad it was then. I learned much from him and others during my time there. It helps in my living today and my hope for tomorrow!”
Nadia (Barduson) Scott (’15) and husband Trevor welcomed their second daughter, Marie, born on December 2, 2021. As a true numbers geek, Nadia is naturally over the moon with the palindrome and ambigram birth date.
Additional photos of Dr. Allan Bleeker: