The King’s College Media Updates | May 2021
A review of how the faculty, staff, and alumni of The King’s College are engaging culture.
Congratulations to the #Classof2021 at @TheKingsCollege!
May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4
— Clemente Lisi (@ClementeLisi) May 8, 2021
Huge News: @TheKingsCollege has finalized a new collaboration with Primacorp Ventures, Inc. The long-term vision and mission of The King's College looks extremely bright for many years to come! Send any students looking for a rigorous Christian education!
— Anthony B. Bradley (@drantbradley) May 14, 2021
We are so proud of everything our students and faculty accomplished this year! During the 2021 awards ceremony @shanreedmason received the Roberta Green Ahmanson Award for outstanding student journalism and @ClementeLisi received the Faculty Teaching Award. Congratulations🎉
— MPJI (@JMPjournalism) May 20, 2021
Forgot to tweet about it! So honored that the @EPAtweeter awarded @ReligionMag so many prizes this year, including 1st for my series w/ @_jilliancheney on evangelicals & the environment and 1st place in reporting w/ @PaulGlader for our story on @LibertyU alums wanting changes.
— Meagan Kay Clark (@MeaganKay) May 18, 2021
Prof. @D_Fotopulos led the Business Strategy CapSim Team for Spring 2021, which secured third place in the CapSim World Challenge. Their semi finals score beat over 200 graduate and undergraduate institutions worldwide. Well done, team!
— The King's College (@TheKingsCollege) May 19, 2021
Final grades submitted. The 2020-2021 academic year is over. What a year!! Challenging for everyone. The resilience of the students I taught this year @TheKingsCollege was impressive. I'm spoiled teaching people who are super driven. Future's bright!…Taking a Twitter break!✌️🏾
— Anthony B. Bradley (@drantbradley) May 18, 2021
What does faith have to do with a college education? What major does God want you to take? Jared Pincin–a loyal colleague and a good man–introduces how @TheKingsCollege both prepares you for a job and explores the deeper reasons humans work and live.
— Steele Brand (@steele_brand) May 17, 2021
Whoa it’s so cool to see this grow beyond the senior class ♥️
— Tia Kai (@t_i_a_k_a_i) May 10, 2021
It was so great to celebrate our 2021 JCS program graduates from @JMPjournalism @TheKingsCollege. This group worked @ESTribune , interned at a host of media outlets. They head toward bright futures in journalism, literary agencies, academia, digital marketing & other fields.
— Paul Glader (@PaulGlader) May 10, 2021
Congrats to my Latin Reading Club alumnus Andrew Welser: he’ll begin his doctorate @DukeCLST in Aug. #archaeology @TheKingsCollege
— Kinlaw (@Kin_Loch) May 5, 2021