Help with the Senior Job Search: 75 Companies that are Hiring Right Now

Many things are on pause right now in the economy, but not all.

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Many things are on pause right now in the economy, but not all. Here is some great news for your senior job search: The excellent career website The Muse has identified 75 companies that are hiring right now.

These are not just any companies. These are excellent companies with a great culture and mission—and great employee feedback.

There is a wide variety of professional roles at these companies, from content strategy to marketing to product management to finance and much more. 

Visit the article to see the full list, and links to specific opportunities at each company that are hiring right now. Not all of the openings are entry level, but some are (or can be—don’t hold back from applying if something says it requires 2 years of experience, and remember that internship experience counts). 

This list can not only give you specific opportunities that are open right now, but also expand your horizons by giving you ideas for companies and types of jobs to have on your radar for your career path down the road.

If you find a role you are interested in, make sure to pursue the role in a strategic way. As we saw in a prior article, that means do not simply apply online. Instead, first use LinkedIn to find out if you know anybody who works there or if you know anybody who knows someone who works there. Then reach out to that person to see if they have any advice for standing out in your application. If possible, set up a call with that person and if it goes well, they may be willing to recommend you internally for the role. That is the ideal–that will greatly multiply your chances for getting an interview. 

Here are a few roles that especially stand out to me for King’s students, and which are in NYC or across the river in NJ. Most of the ones that I list appear to be open to entry-level candidates. If not, make a note.

Business and Finance




Administration and Events



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