Kelly Lehtonen
Assistant Professor of English and Writing; Writing Coordinator
Kelly Lehtonen is an Assistant Professor of English and the Writing Coordinator at King’s. She has degrees in French/German and Technical Communication from James Madison University, and a PhD in Comparative Literature from Penn State University. Before entering academia, she worked as a writer and editor for the Agricultural Research Service, a division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Her research focuses on Renaissance literature and the Western epic tradition from Homer to Milton. She has published essays in Spenser Studies, Philological Quarterly, Modern Philology, and Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. She currently has an article under contract on biblical epics of the Renaissance, and a project underway on the philosophy of the sublime in Renaissance epic poetry.
Kelly lives in New Jersey with her husband, Jonathan, and son, Samuel.
Time at King's: August 2018 to July 2023
Ph.D. Comparative Literature
Penn State University
M.A. Technical and Scientific Communication
James Madison University
B.A. French and German
James Madison University