The King’s College Announces 2022 Alumni Awards
The King’s College is pleased to announce the 2022 honorees of The King’s College Alumni Association.
The King’s College is pleased to announce the 2022 honorees of The King’s College Alumni Association. Every year, the Alumni Association confers awards on alumni of The King’s College or of Northeastern Bible College for various areas of vocational distinction. This year’s award winners, along with the awards they received, are profiled below.
Oakes Award:
The Oakes Award is given annually to a recent alumnus or alumna of King’s whose entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to the truths of Christianity embody the College’s mission. He or she should be known for distinctly excellent work, as well as demonstrate the courage, integrity, vision, tenacity, and faith so essential to transform national and cultural institutions. The award is named for J. Stanley Oakes, the fourth president of King’s, who accepted the daunting challenge of building a flagship for faithful, elite Christian higher education in the heart of New York City, and called others to “embrace the difficult life.”
Nominee: Jon Seidl
Jon Siedl graduated form The King’s College – New York City in 2009 with a degree in politics, philosophy, and economics. He is married to Brett Siedl and lives in Frisco, TX with his two children: a daughter named Annie Rose and a son named Jack Lewis after the beloved author, C. S. Lewis. Jon was the deputy managing editor of The Blaze where he joined as an assistant editor in 2010. His journalistic journey started when a college writing assignment called for a descriptive essay. After writing about the differences between his college town of New York City and his hometown in Wisconsin, Jon’s childhood newspaper decided to publish it. Jon has gone on to appear in both the WORLD magazine and The American Spectator. Recently, Jon has published a book called Finding Rest, which became a #1 Amazon bestseller. Jon was nominated by Erin Hagert-Miller for donating his kidney to a stranger!
Alumnus of the Year:
The Alumnus of the Year Award is granted annually to an alumnus or alumna of The King’s College or Northeastern Bible College who has achieved distinction in his or her professional field and exemplifies the Christian mission of the College through a life dedicated to the Lord.
Nominee: Rob Frazier
Rob Frazier was a graduate from The King’s College – Briarcliff Manor. Rob was a part of the graduating class of 1975 and is married to Carol Buckley Frazier, whom he met after moving to Nashville in 1978, and where they have lived since. They have three grown children. Rob graduated from King’s with a degree in English. Post graduation, Rob spent two years doing music evangelism in the UK. Rob moved to Nashville to play keyboard and guitar for the band Petra for 4 years. Eventually turning to a solo career, Rob was nominated for both Grammy and Dove awards. In 2000, he shifted his focus from a career of music to a career of pastoral ministry. After seminary at Regent University Va. Beach, he served in the pastorate for 16 years. He now mobilizes and mentors Christians doing arts and music ministry around the world with Artists in Christian Testimony (ACT) Intl, drawing from his experience as a musical artist and pastor. Rob was nominated by Rick Millham for having a distinguished career in music and for serving the kingdom of God. He was interviewed for 2021 Emblem magazine and 2021 Homecoming program.
Anderson Award:
The Charles W. Anderson Award is granted annually to an alumnus or alumna of either The King’s College or Northeastern Bible College who has excelled in full-time vocational ministry. He or she should exemplify NBC’s vision—Christ for a Lost World—through a life of faithfulness, sacrifice, and pioneering spirit. The award is named after Charles W. Anderson, the founding president of Northeastern Bible College, to demonstrate the shared vision of Northeastern and King’s to influence the world for Christ.
Nominee: Timothy Chicola
Tim graduated from Northeastern Bible College in May 1980, which was Dr. Anderson’s final year. Tim is married to Marianne, who, before graduating from Northeastern, was a member of Dr. Anderson’s church, Brookdale Baptist Church, which was the birthplace of Northeastern. Tim has demonstrated “faithful, sacrificial service” in his nearly 30 years of serving at The Crossings Church in Livingston, NJ, just a few miles from Northeastern’s Essex Fells campus. For the last two years, Tim has represented pastors worldwide in “full-time vocational ministry.” He has been serving his church and local community within a state with the USA’s strictest COVID-19 lockdown laws. Tim has also demonstrated the criteria of a ”pioneering spirit.” As a pastor, he has routinely explored and discovered ways to “pivot” to provide the pastoral care his church has needed, especially when “distancing” has been required. The pastoral care he has provided has been heroic in light of carrying the heartache of the recent loss of his adult son and the present ongoing battle of his wife’s brain cancer. We proudly nominate Tim for this award to say ‘thank you” to him and all the other pastors worldwide that have faced the challenge of pastoral care over the last 24 months of a pandemic.
Distinguished Service Award:
The Distinguished Service Award is granted to an alumnus or alumna who has rendered outstanding service to either the College or to the Alumni Association. While all alumni association officers serve generously, and the alumni staff at King’s are a vital force in the College’s life, there are those whose service goes far beyond the call of duty. Recipients of the Distinguished Service Award have served King’s in a very special way, and thus the award may be given only on infrequent occasions as a means of expressing the love, respect, and appreciation of the College and the Alumni Association.
Nominee: Sharon Lunden
Sharon Lunden graduated from King’s College at the Briarcliff Manor in 1989.She now lives in Goshen, NY with her husband Carl. In 2006, she showed her continual love for the college by serving as the Treasurer for the TKC Association. Since graduating, Sharon has used her knowledge of finance to help her community worldwide. She spent 16 years as the administrative assistant of finance for the Africa Inland Mission. Sharon was nominated by Lynn Mitchell, who writes: “Sharon served on the alumni years during the difficult transition period to a New York city based campus. She was also a faithful employee at the campus in Briarcliff during the years before it was forced to close due to financial distress.”