Liturgy: “Family Vacation”

Jeremiah’s words this week feel very personal to me. God plucked up, broke down, overthrew, destroyed, and brought harm to my family. We were not innocent. There was sin and consequences. In a very real sense, we brought it on ourselves. And yet, now I see God watching over us to build and to plant. I see restoration and new life. Thank you, Father, for being faithful even when we are not.

A Family Vacation Gone Terribly Wrong
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What is the King’s Liturgy? King’s Liturgy defines our experience together as a Christian community. It outlines the rhythms we celebrate with the Church at large: Scripture readings, Sabbath habits, and celebration of Holy Days and historical events.

This Week’s Lectionary Readings
Jeremiah 31:27-34
Psalm 119:97-104
Luke 18:1-8
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5

This week’s liturgy is contributed by Jonathan Sheaffer, Housing Director and Advisor to the House of C.S. Lewis:

My siblings and I are going on our first vacation together since I was in 5th grade. In the years after that last vacation, I felt like my family fell apart. My brother wouldn’t talk to my dad and my parents divorced. My siblings all ended up living in different states—partly to get away from things and partly because life just took them that way. We’ve been through a lot in the past few years. Each of my parents almost passed away due to medical conditions, my dad lost his house, and the next, and the next. My mom, sister, and I survived on the generosity of our church for a while. Things were tough.

Over the years, God began to restore what was broken—not always in the way I want, but I see his faithfulness. My parents are still divorced (in fact, my dad is remarried), but I have a better relationship with him than ever before. I am truly grateful for God’s provision.

When we started to plan this vacation more than a year and a half ago, I didn’t think it would really happen. We are all so busy and so much has changed since then. When we started planning, I had one nephew. Now, I have two nephews and three nieces! For me, this vacation is a symbol, a reminder, of God’s love. During this vacation, I expect to celebrate what God has done in my family.

Jeremiah’s words this week feel very personal to me. God plucked up, broke down, overthrew, destroyed, and brought harm to my family. We were not innocent. There was sin and consequences. In a very real sense, we brought it on ourselves. And yet, now I see God watching over us to build and to plant. I see restoration and new life. Thank you, Father, for being faithful even when we are not.

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