Liturgy: “He is God and We are His Creation”

Whole-hearted fasting is a small gift of thanks we can offer the God who has provided so much.

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What is the King’s Liturgy? King’s Liturgy defines our experience together as a Christian community. It outlines the rhythms we celebrate with the Church at large: Scripture readings, Sabbath habits, and celebration of Holy Days and historical events.

This Week’s Lectionary Readings:
Isaiah 58:1-9a
1 Corinthians 2:1-12
Matthew 5:13-20
Psalm 112:1-9

This week’s liturgy is contributed by Megan Lassiter, Housing Director:

“Why have we fasted, and you see it not? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you take no knowledge of it?’ Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers.” – Isaiah 53:3

Have y’all ever completed a fast and thought “Well, I didn’t eat all day. God, I’m ready for your blessing now”? I know I have been guilty of this. While I was in college, our university would annually read through the Bible from cover to cover. We would gather in a small amphitheater and for 24 hours, someone was always reading the Bible aloud the entire week. During, we were encouraged to complete a fast at some point, especially on a day we could devote the most time to sitting and listening to the Bible.

My senior year, I was stressed out about graduation and the job hunt. While I had completed fasts in the past, I decided that I would really commit to this one. Throughout the day, I did all the “right things”. I didn’t eat, listened to the Bible (skipping The Bachelor that night), and prayed. I was intentional about praying for friends, family, my relationship with Christ, but also a job after graduation. When the fast was done, I felt great and focused on Christ.

The next few days were a different story. I kept looking around every corner to see when my “blessing” was going to come. When was I going to hear back on that dream job application I submitted or get that great grade on the paper I put no effort in? After all, those are the things I prayed for while I was obeying God, right? Spoiler alert: neither happened. I bombed the paper and have yet to hear back on the job application.

In Isaiah 53:3, they are making the complaint that while they have fasted, God has neglected to reward their dedication. Fasting is supposed to show our repentance as well as honor towards God. Fasting is not where we give something up with the expectation to get something in return. My problem, like in this verse, is that I thought that if I would just comply and fast, that God should return the favor by providing blessings. God is not obligated to meet any of our requests for He is God and we are His creation. I now can find so much rest and peace in this.

And remember, fasting isn’t just all about not eating…it can be from social media, Netflix, or weekends exploring the city. I encourage you to reflect on and remember that God is God. Whole-hearted fasting is a small gift of thanks we can offer the God who has provided so much.

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