The End of an Era

When you return to campus this fall, the landscape will be entirely different. Before we mentally settle into King’s-Lower Manhattan, we need to bid a fond farewell to the Empire State Building.

Empire State Building
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It’s the end of the year—and the end of era. Our little college, re-founded in the Empire State Building in 1999, vacates its iconic surroundings in a few short weeks. When you return to campus this fall, the landscape will be entirely different. Before we mentally settle into King’s-Lower Manhattan, we need to bid a fond farewell to the Empire State Building. After all, much good has come to The King’s College in our 13 years of residing here. It’s been remarkable. To highlight just a few:

Rebirth – It’s a miracle we exist. In 1995, King’s died and the earth over her grave was cold and hard. Then came Stan Oakes, the founder of Christian Leadership Ministries who would later serve as our fourth president, with an audacious vision to resurrect the College and move it into New York City to compete in the marketplace of ideas. Many thought the idea ludicrous. Yet here we are.

$70 Million and counting – In the past 13 years, God provided 70 million.

As we bid adieu to the Empire State Building, we will miss some things: walking into the world’s most iconic building; bypassing lines to the observatory; the three-minute commute for the residents of the Herald Towers and Vogue. Of course, there are things we shall not miss: stumbling over hoards of tourists; the severe lack of windows; dodging the six-legged denizens of the basement (I still have nightmares of the horrid, little beast that climbed up my pant leg). I look forward to a new era. What will the next 13 years hold for us? I’m convinced the best is still ahead. Our surroundings will be different, but our DNA remains the same, as does our audacious vision. God wants to do much more. We’ve already defied the odds. Let’s trust him for great things. I look forward to being with all of you in our new home this fall. Have a great summer.

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