About Your Application to The King’s College
Know what to expect when you fill out your application online.
What’s on an application to The King’s College? Below, we’ve laid out all of the questions on the application so that you know what to expect when you go to fill it out online. Items with an asterisk are required. The application form saves your progress, so don’t worry about completing it in one sitting!
In order to save your progress, when you start an application you’ll need to create an account. You’ll submit the following:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Once you submit that information, you’ll receive a link in your email inbox to go to the application. The email will come from admissionsoffice@tkc.edu.
Once you’ve clicked the link from that email, you’ll see a page asking you to create a password. Then you’ll see a page asking you to select the appropriate application, choose a student type, and choose the term.
Select the Appropriate Application to Begin
- Application for Campus Enrollment: Choose this option if you want to attend King’s in-person.
- Dual Enrollment Application: If you want to take King’s courses for credit while you’re still in high school, select Dual Enrollment. Learn more about Dual Enrollment.
- King’s Crossover (Online Hybrid Program): Choose this program if you are planning to get your degree from The King’s College but want to start by taking fully online courses (up to the first two years). Learn more about King’s Crossover.
- NYC Semester Application (Single Semester Program): New York City Semester is a visiting student program for college students enrolled at other institutions who want to spend a semester living, studying, and interning in NYC. Learn more about NYC Semester.
- Summer Academy: The King’s College runs a week-long summer program for high-school students. Select this one if you’re planning to attend. Learn more about Summer Academy.
Student Type
Freshman: Choose this option if…
- You are still in high school, even if you have taken some college classes already.
- You graduated from high school, are currently on a gap year, and are not earning college credit.
- You are a U.S. citizen living abroad and meet one of the criteria above.
International Freshman: Choose this option if…
- You are currently enrolled in high school in the United States on a visa such as the F-1 visa, J-1 visa, or a non-immigrant dependent visa category that allows you to study in the U.S.
- You are currently enrolled in a high school or secondary school outside of the United States and plan to pursue an F-1 or J-1 visa for your bachelors degree.
Transfer: Choose this option if…
- You have graduated from high school and have taken college classes or are enrolled in a college or university after your high school graduation.
- You are enrolled in a gap year program where you are earning college credit.
International Transfer: Choose this option if…
- You are currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States on a visa such as the F-1 visa, J-1 visa, or a non-immigrant dependent visa category that allows you to study in the U.S.
- You are currently enrolled in a college or university outside of the United States and plan to pursue an F-1 or J-1 visa for your bachelors degree.
- You are enrolled in a gap year program where you are earning college credit on a visa that allows you to study in the U.S.
Choose the semester you’re applying for.
*First Name
Middle Name
*Last Name
Home Number
*Cell Number
WhatsApp Number
- United States Citizen
- Permanent Resident of the United States
- Non-United States resident
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
*Social Security Number
You can enter 000-00-000 if you are an international student
If you wish to be identified with a particular race or ethnic group, please select all the options that describe your heritage. This information will not be used to make an admissions decision.
Would you like to identify yourself as Hispanic or Latinx/a/o?
Please select the race you identify with:
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Two or more Races
YouTube Channel
Personal Blog
Religious Preference or Affiliation
All King’s faculty and staff are confessing Christians, but we have an open admissions policy for students and do not require you to sign any kind of statement of faith. This field helps us to better understand the religious background you are coming from, if any.
Place of Worship
Area of Interest
Choose from a dropdown listing different fields of study. The King’s College offers nine majors that prepare students for a variety of different careers. This field will help us match you with the majors at King’s that best fit your goals. For example, we don’t have a Political Science major, but students interested in that field may consider our signature Politics, Philosophy, and Economics major, which provides strong preparation for a lifetime of leadership.
Detailed Area of Interest
Like the dropdown above, this helps to specify the area you’re interested in. Maybe you’re thinking about Communications but you really enjoy Creative Writing. Use this dropdown to help us understand a little more about what you’re looking for. If you’re undecided, no problem. Many students are exploring options at this stage.
From here on, you will answer “Yes” or “No” questions:
Are you interested in applying Early Action?
If you apply Early Action and submit your deposit by December 15, you’ll receive an expedited financial aid package. You’ll also be first in line to register for classes, apply for housing, and have exclusive opportunities to connect with the King’s community in the fall and spring semesters. Early Action is not binding but indicates that you are serious about attending King’s.
*Will you be the first member of your immediate family to graduate from college?
*Do you plan to live in campus housing?
How did you first learn of The King’s College?
Do you plan to complete the FAFSA?
FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, for US citizens and eligible non-citizens.
The FAFSA is available starting October 1st. Please complete it as soon as possible. Our school code is 040953.
Are your parents eligible for military benefits? (G.I. Bill, Yellow Ribbon, etc.)
You can read more information about military benefits.
Would you like to receive information about ROTC?
Do you plan to transfer college credits to The King’s College?
If you are a transfer student, do you have 24 or more completed credits?
Are you taking/have you taken A.P. courses?
If you answer “Yes” to this question, please list the exams you plan to take or have taken in the test scores section below. This helps us determine how many credits you are transferring in.
Other Colleges You Are Applying To
Let us know what other colleges you’re considering. You can simply list the names of the institutions.
List any activities/organizations you have participated in (i.e. extra curricular, volunteer, hobbies, etc.)
Two pro tips: If you’ve been super involved you can feel free to list those activities/organizations that are most important to you or where you’ve held leadership positions. For your King’s application, we’re looking for quality over quantity. Also, we recommend keeping a list of this information on a separate document that you can copy and paste into each application, since many colleges ask for this information.
Awards and Honors
If applicable, list your parent(s) or guardian
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone Number
*High School Name
Please type the first few letters of the school name and wait for the name to populate in the box. If your school isn’t listed choose “Unknown School.”
*High School Type
- Public
- Private
- Homeschool
- International School
- Other
High School Diploma
Graduation Year
High School GPA
This is self-reported. We’ll verify it once we receive your transcripts.
The King’s College is “test score optional” for the Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 terms. Please feel free to submit your test scores, but you are not required to do so.
Test Type
- Duolingo
Date Taken
Transcript Release: By checking the box below, I authorize my high school to release my transcripts to The King’s College.
Note: You must comply with your high school’s transcript release policies and fees, but this statement authorizes The King’s College to request unofficial transcripts on your behalf from your high school’s Guidance Office.
By checking this box I certify that I have watched the “Before You Hit Submit” Video
For the Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 terms, if you do not submit test scores, you will be required to submit a writing sample.
Writing Sample
Submit an essay of your choice that provides a good representation of your academic writing ability. This writing sample can be an essay you have already written for a class. The writing sample should be approximately 1,000 to 2,000 words, an academic-style paper, written for class, and include citations. Please avoid submitting blog posts, journal entries, stream-of-consciousness, and creative writing pieces. Show us your best work! Email your writing sample to us at admissionsoffice@tkc.edu.
Admissions Decision
The King’s College has a rolling admissions policy to allow for a timely and thorough admissions decision. Once we’ve received your documents, you can expect to find out if you’ve been accepted within two to four weeks.
If you have any questions, get in contact with a counselor or contact our main Admissions Office at admissionsoffice@tkc.edu or 212.659.3610.