The King's College Press

The Electoral College: Critical to Our Republic

Learn how the Electoral College represents a kind of insurance limiting the influence of demagoguery.

The 2016 election triggered criticism of America’s Electoral College. Opponents argue that it is time to do away with the Electoral College system, whose creation, they contend, was an accident of history in the first place. This small volume sets the record straight. In fact, the Electoral College was an ingenious creation of our Founders.

The Founders designed the College to fit in with the rest of the federal system and preserve the division of powers, the moderating influence of states, and a republican government that respects the consent of the governed. The Electoral College represents a kind of insurance limiting the influence of demagoguery. As this quick, easy-to-read handbook shows, without the Electoral College, America would see more partisan and national grandstanding, not less.

Praise for The Electoral College: Critical to Our Republic

“All readers, whatever their political views, can learn something from this book. Josiah
Peterson’s writing is rooted in what will stay universal amidst our differences—the vision
and writings of our nation’s Framers.”
Ted Cruz, United States Senator

“If a few Americans will learn and cherish what’s in this brave little book, we cannot easily lose the glorious freedoms we yet have.”
Eric Metaxas, New York Times bestselling author of If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty

“…Josiah Peterson takes readers on a methodological myth-busting journey of the Electoral College. This short read addresses nuances thoroughly and is a must-read in today’s political world.”
Dr. Gregory Alan Thornbury, Sixth President of The King’s College

“The 2016 election left many people criticizing the Electoral College and missing its importance in twenty-first century America. Josiah Peterson is unafraid to set the record straight in this short but thorough analysis that has instantly become indispensable.”
Scott W. Rasmussen, Founder, Rasmussen Reports and author of Politics Has Failed: America Will Not

“This handbook elegantly demonstrates these points and more in a manner that is illuminating without the impulse for partisanship. For students of American politics, this book falls into the category of ‘must-read.’”
Dr. Herbert London (March 6, 1939 – November 10, 2018), President of the London Center for Policy Research

“How refreshing to discover in the wake of the 2016 election Josiah Peterson’s guide to the Electoral College, one of the principal checks and balances by which our Constitution ensures a division of power between our states and federal government. In 80 fact-filled pages Peterson manages to debunk the myths and lay out the logic of the constitutional contraption that has handed up our presidents, from Washington and Lincoln to Reagan, Obama, and Trump. This slim volume couldn’t be more timely.”
Seth Lipsky, Editor of The New York Sun and author of The Citizen’s Constitution

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