House of C.S. Lewis

House of C.S. Lewis

“Friendship is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself…”

House of Lewis crest


Called to excellence and contending for truth, the House of Lewis is a community of brothers in common pursuit of Christ’s lordship in all things.

House Values


We commit to an active life of brotherhood with one another as we recognize that one becomes Christ-like only in community.


We commit to both learning from and teaching fellow House members and others in our community as they strive to be more like Christ.


We recognize that the heart of character is the love of truth and the fear of God.


We devote ourselves to our housemates, schoolmates, and to the community of New York.

House of C.S. Lewis House of C.S. Lewis Great Race House of Lewis Interregnum
House of C.S. Lewis House of Lewis Interregnum


Lewis Wednesdays

Fellowship Groups

The Lewis Walk Home List

The Red and Green Affair

Wisdom Nights

Lewis Ties

JACK Awards

Bigs & Littles

The Doxology

House Crest


The structure of the crest is in the shape of a continental shield, representing the continental divide between Europe and America. Europe is the home continent for England, the land of our namesake’s birth, life and death. North America is the home continent for New York City, the location of our House and the place where we, as a band of brothers, foster a tradition of excellence and pursuit of truth, shaping Lewis Men to lead with honor.


The colors of our shield are representative of the characteristics within our House and speak to the values for which we stand. Black: the color of consistency; Red: the color of truth; White: the color of authenticity.


The cross represents God, as the supreme head of the House, and is the most important aspect we wish to symbolize.


The lion faces God, as all Lewis Men should do. It represents The King’s College, where we all attend school. It also represents Aslan, the Jesus character from Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia.


The red banner symbolizes the belt of truth, wrapped around our shield. The banner (truth) comes from God (extends from the cross), as does all truth. As our mission statement says, we are engaged in a “pursuit of truth” and we keep that at the center of our lives.


The ermine field signifies dignity and academic excellence. The field is taken from the crest of Magdalen College of Oxford, Lewis’s school. This honors Lewis’s academic achievement, while also relating to the mission of the House which seeks to “foster a tradition of excellence.”


The House motto is “Leading with Honor” and it is written in Latin as “Ducere Cum Decore.”