House of Sojourner Truth

House of Sojourner Truth

“Truth is powerful and it prevails.”

House of Truth crest


The House of Sojourner Truth strives to empower honorable Christian leaders who emanate grace and truth. We are alive, solid, and passionate.

House Values


The unconditional pursuit of authentic community.


Grace and truth lived out-the active form of harmony.


Freedom in celebrating vibrancy.

Pursuit of wisdom

The continual development of humility and discernment.

House of Truth tradition House of Truth Great Race House of Truth Fall Retreat
House of Truth tradition House of Truth Fall Retreat


Induction Ceremony

Spaghetti Dinner

Black and Gold Fridays

Singing Be Thou My Vision and Wayfaring Stranger

Passing of the Flame

A focus on anti-slavery

Dean’s List Dessert

Big and Little System

Selah Studies

House Crest


The color blue represents both truth and faith, and the color gold love and wisdom. The red cross at the center represents our faith in Christ and the Catherine wheel symbolizes one who is prepared to undergo great trials for the Christian faith just as Sojourner Truth did. The women of Truth are solid in our faith and prepared to help each other withstand any trial that we might face.


The centaur represents our core value of the pursuit of wisdom. We strive to pursue wisdom so that we might know Christ better. We do this through engaging in deep conversations with each other as well as being passionate about knowledge and growth in our own unique and individual talents—i.e. in our color.


The phoenix represents restoration for just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, we find restoration in Christ. As the identity of the slave known as Isabella Baumfree died and was restored in Christ as Sojourner Truth, the phoenix reminds us that we are no longer dead in our fallen bodies but alive in Him.


Veritas, Latin for Truth, reminds us of both our namesake and of a classical Truth that does not just call us to honesty but to a higher way of living, a call to a higher truth, His Truth.