The King’s Debate Society
Training to Advocate Truth
The King’s Debate Society (KDS) exists to train students to effectively advocate truth in the marketplace of ideas. We speak, study, and debate in order to confront the ideas that threaten the world, and promote those ideas that uphold the principles of the Gospel and the value of human dignity.
Debate at King’s
King’s debaters train and compete in the Worlds Parliamentary debate format, a form of British Parliamentary debate that’s most internationally-recognized.
Where We Compete
KDS debaters compete in tournaments throughout the Northeastern region (including Canada), and in national and international championships. So far we have traveled to eleven different countries for competitions, so get your passports now!
We have earned a wide array of speaking awards and tournament titles, with King’s students advancing to elimination rounds at six national championships and becoming finalists or top speakers at eight of the last nine Northeastern Season Openers. KDS teams have bested students from Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Cornell, to name a few, and new debaters from King’s regularly become top novice speakers and finalists at the Novice National Championship.
A Legacy of Excellence
Alumni of The King’s Debate Society live out the mission of advocating truth all over the world. Our alumni have attended graduate school at Harvard University, Shanghai International University, Northeastern University, U.T. Austin, and New St. Andrews, to name a few. Some have written books and been on nationally syndicated radio programs. They share ideas on a global scale, publishing in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, First Things, The Weekly Standard, The Atlantic, Foreign Policy Magazine, Real Clear Policy, and the Harvard Law Review.
KDS alumni have served as campaign managers, legislative staffers, and think tank researchers. They create strategic communications and marketing for both for-profit and nonprofit companies. They teach in private Christian schools and classical charter schools. Some have gone on to seminary while others work in ministry and missions. We’re grateful that so many alumni choose to visit our practices and share their expertise with current KDS members when they are in town.