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The King’s College Partners with Oaks Christian Online High School
The King’s College, a Christian liberal arts college in New York city, has selectively partnered with Oaks Christian Online High School (OCO) to allow online, college-preparatory students the opportunity to earn high school and college credit.
Richard & Helen DeVos Receive Honorary Doctorates
On Wednesday, May 8th, friends of The King’s College met in Palm Beach, FL to confer honorary doctorates to Richard and Helen DeVos. The evening also celebrated the recent addition of the DeVoses to the Board of Trustees of The King’s College.
“The Sword of Islam”
Finding reason in horrible acts of violence like those perpetrated in Boston last week can be difficult.
“Boston Unbowed in the Face of Terror”
“Terrorism, Innes observes, has three goals: “mass killing, paralyzing a population with fear (i.e., terror), and softening a people to the terrorist group’s demands.” On all three counts, Innes writes, the terrorists failed.”
“The Real Unemployment Rate”
Over the course of the four minute segment, Wilkow and Brenberg discussed topics ranging from unemployment to minimum wage and taxes.
The King’s College Opens World-Class Founders Scholarship Competition
As many as four talented high school seniors will be awarded Founders’ Scholarships in 2014 and given the opportunity to study at The King’s College tuition-free.
Satisfied with the Very Best
We spent the fall settling into our new campus. On the whole, the settling was smoother than anticipated.
A Kingsian Response to Sandy
Hurricane Sandy was an unprecedented disaster for New York. The devastation in the City and the surrounding region is stunning. Even so, the King’s community responded in a remarkable fashion.
Staying the Course
King’s is the same institution today as it was two weeks ago—same vision, same curriculum, same faculty. We’ll be the same institution next week—and next year with a new president. Only better.
The End of an Era
When you return to campus this fall, the landscape will be entirely different. Before we mentally settle into King’s-Lower Manhattan, we need to bid a fond farewell to the Empire State Building.
Through its commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview, The King’s College seeks to transform society by preparing students for careers in which they help to shape and eventually lead strategic public and private institutions, and by supporting faculty members as they directly engage culture through writing and speaking publicly on critical issues.
112 W. 34th Street, 18th Floor • New York, NY 10120
M-F 8:00AM–10:00PM
SAT: 12:00PM–10:00PM
M-F 8:00AM–10:00PM
SAT: 12:00PM–10:00PM
112 W. 34th Street, 18th Floor • New York, NY 10120